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OtherUpdated 2 months ago

Do you have a physical store?

Yes - we are open one Saturday a month as posted on our website. We are open for pickups every Tuesday 10-3

Is there a warranty?

We guarantee any of our products made by us and sold through our online store to be free of defects. We would gladly accept any return or exchange request resulting from a defective item, granted they respect the following conditions:

- The item must have been sold on our online store or physical shop
- The item shouldn't have been used in any way
- The return or exchange request is made within 7 days of delivery
- The return is made within 14 days of the return or exchange request

Please refer to the "Returns" article within this FAQ.

If you have a return or exchange request resulting from a defective item please reach out to our support for more information on how to proceed.

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